
Todd and I could not be more excited to welcome our two babies into this world this spring/early summer. Our official due date is June 14, but have a feeling we'll see these little turkeys in May. It has already been a long story, but we welcome you to follow along for the last few months of this overwhelming experience! Thanks for joining! :):)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

So here we are....  Almost two years after my last post.  How has this last two years been?


Twins are amazing.  The hubby and I could not be more overwhelmed by the love we have for our young family.  Every day we are so thankful for the sweet faces that we were blessed with in 2011.  There have been so many tears of joy, hysterics and stress over the past two years, it would be difficult to discuss them all in one post.  So we will be coming forth with some of the colorful moments via a new blog, which will be launching tonight!  The new blog named Twin Little Ladies, and it should be entertaining if nothing else!

In the meantime, my words of wisdom for anyone having twins (and probably any first time mom)

1.  Have support people.  Without our family members who flocked like the wise men to Smyrna, we would have not came out of this with any morsel of sanity.

2.  Moms On Call.  The women who founded this company could not have known the amount of people who's lives would be improved by their presence.  The book is the ONLY one we went by, and it was referenced daily.  We also had a live consultation for which my hubby said he would have paid "$10,000".  It was reasonable, time efficient, and left us with twins who slept through the night at 8 weeks old.  Enough said.  For twins or first time parents this website will save you www.momsoncall.com .

These two items have gotten us through the last two years!

Feel free to forward our new blog on to anyone that may find our stories helpful or humerous....as I can promise they will be!  twinlittleladies.blogspot.com

I close with a couple of pics of our little ones, who have made every day of our lives brighter!

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