
Todd and I could not be more excited to welcome our two babies into this world this spring/early summer. Our official due date is June 14, but have a feeling we'll see these little turkeys in May. It has already been a long story, but we welcome you to follow along for the last few months of this overwhelming experience! Thanks for joining! :):)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Welch's and McCormick

Todd and I went to the Dr.'s office this morning to check on the girls, and everything STILL looks great!! For the 6th week in a row, he reassured me that my contractions are not changing anything. Also, the girls are each weighing about 2.5 lbs. So from a visit standpoint all is well.

But if you all remember from a few posts ago, both doctors told us that after 28 weeks we either "popped the champagne" or "everything more is gravy". So when I returned home from my appointment, one of my closest friends popped over with some McCormick and Welch's!! We both had a few sips until she got a headache (she's looking for an early April delivery of a little boy) and I started getting a touch of heartburn. But still the best celebration that I could ask for. Without her, I don't know if I would have mentally made it this far.

So I will continue to lay in bed, have contractions and pay bills, and we'll keep baking these girls as long as we can!!

Have a great day all!!

Stacey and the girls


  1. What a cute idea...leave it to Dani!!! Great news from the doctor's visit! I just sent you an e-mail asking how it went! You must be so thrilled to be at 28 weeks!!! I hope those little granddaughters are behaving themselves and not doing too many flips in there!! Can't wait to see you next week! Love! Pat

  2. Such fantastic news...the "left coast" is loving the updates (and sharing them with others). Keep up the bill paying (and "baking") will gladly wait till May/June to "meet" our grand-neighbor-babies. Cheers, The Party Parents

  3. Thanks for the update! Keep up the awesome job! Congratulations, and keep that good news coming!
