I saw our little 20 week bananas today! Todd is busy filling Packers and Steelers orders and was unable to make it, but he checked in on his "little ballerinas" as soon as he could. Mostly the appointment was to check my cervix, which looks great, so it wasn't too eventful otherwise.
They are both measuring around 20 weeks, and are officially a couple of cans of beer. One is weighing in at 12 oz, and the other at 13. Why was beer the first thing I thought of when she said "12 oz"? I don't know but am definitely questioning it myself.
They are both head down feet up, I guess they haven't figured out that the top of the uterus has more room! Hopefully they will soon (for my own comfort sake)
Let the countdown begin, 4 weeks until I start frantically planning for the little ladies' arrival this spring!!
Hi, Stace! Thanks for the update! We'll have to stand you on your head, so those little ones will flip over and give you a bit of relief! Please save this blog for them to see some day! They'll get a kick out of being cans of beer!!! They may just use this phrase against you'all when they are teenagers!!! I can just hear the debate! "But, Mom, I just had one can...like...you know...you thought I was when I was in your belly!" Happiness is...looking forward to all this fun!!!