I saw our little 20 week bananas today! Todd is busy filling Packers and Steelers orders and was unable to make it, but he checked in on his "little ballerinas" as soon as he could. Mostly the appointment was to check my cervix, which looks great, so it wasn't too eventful otherwise.
They are both measuring around 20 weeks, and are officially a couple of cans of beer. One is weighing in at 12 oz, and the other at 13. Why was beer the first thing I thought of when she said "12 oz"? I don't know but am definitely questioning it myself.
They are both head down feet up, I guess they haven't figured out that the top of the uterus has more room! Hopefully they will soon (for my own comfort sake)
Let the countdown begin, 4 weeks until I start frantically planning for the little ladies' arrival this spring!!
Todd and I could not be more excited to welcome our two babies into this world this spring/early summer. Our official due date is June 14, but have a feeling we'll see these little turkeys in May. It has already been a long story, but we welcome you to follow along for the last few months of this overwhelming experience! Thanks for joining! :):)
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Weekend Visitor/Bad Movie weekend!
Mammer came to visit this weekend, and was an amazing help around the house. She encouraged my rest while she helped Todd with various household chores. Thank you Mammer!
We went to JP's shower, where the www.babyfans.com gifts were greatly received! Her husband is from Philly, so we made a good grouping of UGA, Phillies and Eagles gear, all topped off with our new Philly Phanatic hat, which is SO cute! The shower was so fun, with some amazing food.
Because of JP's shower, we missed a shower for AS. We dropped a gift with DB for her with some Georgia Tech goods including a GT sunshade for the car. I think a cute (or sporty) sunshade is a great gift because at Babies R Us you can only get them with their logo....boring! Hmmmm....maybe we need to make some www.babyfans.com sunshades :)
We went to see the King's Speech on Friday, which Mammer gave a thumbs up, mine was in the middle, and Todd was excited to make a trip to refill the popcorn whenever needed. Saturday we watched Bad Lieutenant with Nicolas Cage in the Wilson theater. Now we know why it never made a run in the "real" theaters. So, needless to say, we need some good movie recommendations!
I am feeling great (well, as good as can be expected), and looking forward to a 20 week check up tomorrow!
We went to JP's shower, where the www.babyfans.com gifts were greatly received! Her husband is from Philly, so we made a good grouping of UGA, Phillies and Eagles gear, all topped off with our new Philly Phanatic hat, which is SO cute! The shower was so fun, with some amazing food.
Because of JP's shower, we missed a shower for AS. We dropped a gift with DB for her with some Georgia Tech goods including a GT sunshade for the car. I think a cute (or sporty) sunshade is a great gift because at Babies R Us you can only get them with their logo....boring! Hmmmm....maybe we need to make some www.babyfans.com sunshades :)
We went to see the King's Speech on Friday, which Mammer gave a thumbs up, mine was in the middle, and Todd was excited to make a trip to refill the popcorn whenever needed. Saturday we watched Bad Lieutenant with Nicolas Cage in the Wilson theater. Now we know why it never made a run in the "real" theaters. So, needless to say, we need some good movie recommendations!
I am feeling great (well, as good as can be expected), and looking forward to a 20 week check up tomorrow!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
8 Chambers and...
Two aortas!! Today we saw all of the heart chambers on on the girls! They are measuring 19weeks and 5 days, which is about 5 days ahead. So Mom and Dad are happy campers! This may be your first look at the girls, they sure have come a long way from when they looked like two little lumps with flickering heart beats. Slowly but surely this is all becoming VERY real...
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Snowed In!
I've always wondered what it would be like to be snowed in. No work, really no responsibility outside of staying in the house. Well Monday morning we awoke to 6 inches of snow, covered with a nice layer of thin ice, and Atlanta has come to a standstill.
Did we know the storm was coming? Yes. But did we really think we'd be trapped? Absolutely not. So no shipping for Baby Fans (keeping all staff safe) and no commute downtown for me.
I have not worked on the floor since I passed my 12 week mark, so it is bitter sweet this week. No, I don't HAVE to be there so I can stay home and safe. But on the other hand, I love being able to help out, and hate that I couldn't assist in the staffing nightmare it becomes with adverse weather conditions.
So day one consisted of watching a movie on Roku, cleaning out the fridge, and making a quick trip to a neighbors house. The trip may have not been the best idea, as we barely got the car moving out of the ice and snow when we decided to leave. Then it was home, and a visit from Paula, J and D to watch the national championship game. (Congrats Auburn!)
Today, Todd has ventured to Kroger in Paula's Toureg (only 4 wheel drive we know) to get some necessities. We should reach a balmy 34 today, and are hoping some of the ice/snow will start to melt enough to get the cars out of the garage. Realistically, we probably won't be fully mobile until Saturday.
I am 18 weeks today, so that is something fun to celebrate here at the cabin. And of course, now that we are limited to resources, a McDonald's milk shake and fries sure does sound good! Guess we'll have to thaw out for that to happen.
I'm including a couple of pictures of Buddy and his friend Leeka "enjoying" the snow. Buddy's not so sure about it, but Leeka wants to spend hours outside. We continue to coax her into the house so the poor little girl dosen't freeze to death! Enjoy!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Still Crazy...
I'm 17 weeks now, just 7 away from my first big benchmark in this pregnancy. But am I still crazy? Absolutely!
I saw their beautiful little profiles on Tuesday, and heard some rapid heart rates (both in the high 140s). They also told me, because I can't visualize it, that the stitches Dr. Garcia put in are holding wonderfully.
But Wednesday, I feel a little sharp pain NOT near the cervix, and it's sent me into a panic. Thank goodness my coworkers have been so wonderful to cater to my activity requirements, and if I could have used an electric wheelchair all day, I would.
As always, I went home that night, laid on my side and fell asleep around 8:30, and felt fine moving forward.
I guess I can plan on feeling this way for the entire pregnancy, slightly unstable. You may find my eyes searching for somewhere to sit, or prop my legs up, but I know once these girls get here that will be over and I'll be glad I did it.
That's my self venting for today...now I'm off to spend Todd's Keno winnings from last night.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
My New Years resolution is to simplify this house before the girls arrive. So I am starting this today. Gone are the throw pillows that I kept "just in case" we happen to get new bedding that matches them.
I also believe that plastic bins will be my friend for many, many years to come. I'm off to Target to buy some more, so our Christmas decorations won't have to be taped back into old cardboard boxes moving forward.
And yes, the Christmas decor is getting a serious clean out this year too. Todd is loving all of this, but may change his tune as I start tossing a bunch of old wires/electronics that we don't need.
If only the weather was good enough for a tag sale!
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